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title::           Fillet Mignon :: urbanized suckers

medium ::   DRAWING: dry / soft pastel on watercolor paper
size::         22"x30" (~56cm  x 76)

title::             FUNNELS (PRIVATE COLLECTION)

medium ::     DRAWING: dry / soft pastel on watercolor paper
size::            22"x30" (~56cm  x 76) ​

collection::    Mountain View, A.S. private collection

title::          Sandy Hook Elementary, Newtown, Connecticut, December 2012
 series ::

                  Mother (left), 26 Pistachios (middle), There were 26 (right)

medium ::   DRAWING: dry pastel on watercolor paper
size::         22"x30" (~56cm  x 76) each​

Sandy Hook Elementary, Newtown, Connecticut, December 2012 :: Mother; 27 Pistachios; There were 26 is a series of works that is a continuation of the horror and of the thought that no child is safe.  Even the adults who were brutally murdered, were someone's children, someone's daughters.  It is worth to mention that the six murdered adults were all women. Most vulnerable and most delicate: our women and children are dead.


A woman - Mother (left) is pregnant, she is a symbol of motherhood.  On her head there is a scarf, it "flows" through all the artworks, it is a protections and the horizon for those who are no longer is with us.  She is sitting in the landscape, her cover is the green of it.  27 Pistachios has 26 seads/shells with hearts and one is just an empty shell (that is the one symbolic of the murderer).  There were 26 is the work which has 20 kids and 6 adults - women drawn in red enveloped in the Mother's white scarf.  It is their protection for all her children, yet she is powerless and couldn't help.  The children (all 26) are standing above ground, above the land.  The red lines are cutting the land, the landscape, the earth.

Stung Up series :: Bloody Idiot (on the left); There were 26 (on the right)

medium ::   dry pastel on watercolor paper
size::         22"x30" (~56cm  x 76) each

Sandy Hook Elementary, Newtown, Connecticut, December 2012

Strung up :: Bloody Idiot & There were 26 was a reaction to the mass murder in Sandy Hook Elementary School of Newtown, Connecticut.  20 kids & 6 adults have brutally been murdered by a bloody idiot and a refusal by the government to pass reasonable laws to manage the gun violence.  I have a 3 year old... and after the Sandy Hook happened, I was so shocked, felt like the world fell on its head.  I was sad and very sad.  I felt like I had to do something.


There were 26 depicts 26 people: 20 children and 6 adults, they are in a coffin-like cut-out of the each (the blue).  Even though they are already gone into the unknown of the depth of the earth, there is horizon line and ground and sky somewhere there in the world.  On the flip side, Bloody Idiot is also in a coffin, all burried under the red of blood that he had let.  The blue cubes are strung up with a thread.  The red geometrical shapes are heavily looming over his unexistance.  It would be best, if the bloody idiot never even existed!



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