Kevin Moore, Brett Amory, Kim Frohsin, David Choong Lee, John Wentz, Adam Forfang - painting; / MASHUP /
6 artists played a game of puzzle making (at least I see it as a game) which was devised by Kevin Moore. A collaboration between six Bay Area painters: Kevin Moore, Brett Amory, Kim Frohsin, David Choong Lee, John Wentz, and Adam Forfang). Artists got together & as a group made au plein air paintings of a selected scene divided into 6 areas to make up a whole. One of the 1/6th artists came up to me as I was trying to fully figure out what exactly I was looking at, he introduced himself & then I dragged him into playing my game. I wanted to guess which pieces were his in each scene batch. He was pleased that I guessed them all right. I must admit, it wasn't that very challenging, every artist, although realistically portrayed the scene, had their manner of touching & leaving marks on the surface. This exercise dramatically underscores the so-called hand memory or a an individual's manner if expression